Kia ora!

Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy for Tamariki/Children

Haere mai!

Here at Paediatric OT & PT, our therapists help babies, children, and young people to flourish and achieve their chosen occupations to the best of their abilities. Occupations can include anything from getting up in the morning to eating and drinking, riding a bike, playing with friends, or participating at school.

We use fun, engaging activities to help children succeed in meeting the daily occupations of childhood, for example, self-care, play, sleep, using a scooter, or writing a story. We are a family centred practice, providing an individualised approach focussed on your child and family goals.

We offer services for children aged 0 to 16 years who have a range of physical, neurological, cognitive, social, sensory, emotional, and developmental needs. We provide a number of different services tailored to your child's needs as well as providing coaching for families and caregivers.

Our therapists are experienced, empathetic, practical, and empowering. We partner with paediatricians, speech language therapists, and other specialists to provide a collaborative service for children and their families.

Our vision is to provide quality, best practice therapy services for families and children, and to maximise potential and build fulfilling lives, as a team. Our mission is to maximize each individual child’s potential and participation in life activities by providing best practice, high quality therapy services in partnership with families.

About the F-Words
Our values
Visit us

What we do

Children aged 0 to 16 years with:

  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
  • Developmental Coordination Disorders (DCD)
  • Delays in development
  • Difficulties with information processing
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Neurological conditions (cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury)
  • Other specific syndromes
  • Prematurity
  • Specific learning disabilities
  • Sensory processing difficulties
  • Social & emotional eifficulties
  • Executive functioning development

We draw on a number of evidence-based theories and practices to develop and frame our interventions, including:

  • Neurodevelopment (Bobath) information processing (Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform model—PRPP)
  • Sensory processing and integration coaching (Occupational Performance Coaching)
  • Attachment and relationships (newborn behaviour observations, Touchpoints)
  • Respiration (Mary Massery) Musculoskeletal, Posture and Movement

We at Paediatric OT & PT offer tele-health for all our clients. Tele-therapy is available via a secure, professional, online video conferencing platform. Your child's therapy can take place in the comfort of your own home. Therapy will be in the context of your child's familiar home environment.

Photo used with permission

Our therapy sessions, evaluations, and task analysis enable us to build bridges, remove barriers and provide strategies for you and your child to reach their goals. When working with babies and children we use fun, engaging activities to help them succeed in meeting the daily occupations of childhood, e.g., self care, play, sleep, moving physically from place to place, writing a story and relating to others.

Following assessments, strategies are put in place to enable children to master tasks that are challenging for them. Strategies are specific to your child's behaviours which are identified during the assessment process. Instructional methods are used to address behaviours, incorporating cues, prompts, strategies and preferences.

Coaching and establishing goals:

  • We listen and support the goals you want your child to achieve
  • We listen to your child's hopes and dreams
  • We give parents the skills and knowledge to "do therapy" everyday
  • We enable you to overcome the everyday barriers for your child

Family, fun, friends, fitness, future:

  • Riding a bike or scooter
  • Using the playground
  • Meal times: eating and drinking
  • Walking and crawling
  • Playing with friends, toys and games
  • School: writing a story and packing your bag
  • Exams: special conditions
  • Relating to others
  • Dressing, toileting and washing self
  • Interests and hobbies
  • Managing self, including emotions and regulation

Assessments and approaches are linked to the Canadian Occupational Performance Model looking at a child holistically and the child's ability to do everyday tasks at school, home and community. Our paediatric Occupational therapists assess and support next steps for a range of areas in life including:

  • Positive mental health: wellbeing and sense of self
  • Neuro development
  • Play skills
  • Information processing
  • Visual processing
  • Self-care and independence skills
  • Emotional regulation and social skills
  • School participation: learning, handwriting, friendships
  • Routines and daily living tasks, organisational skills
  • Children's constipation and incontinence, state and regulation, managing self, toilet learning competence and confidence

Physiotherapist assessments are integral to our practice. Paediatric physiotherapists assess and support next steps for a range of conditions including:

  • Balance and coordination
  • Constipation and children's incontinence with a focus on the pelvic floor and breathing
  • Developmental delay
  • Hypermobility
  • Musculoskeletal
  • Neurophysiological
  • Pain management
  • Plagiocephaly
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Toe walking
  • Torticollis

Infant massage

Join one of our infant massage group sessions. We follow the International Association of Infant Massage


We run intensive therapy sessions over a week of two (occupational therapy and physiotherapy).

Lego club

Lego-based therapy is an evidence-based social-development program, where social skills are coached and practiced while the group builds a Lego set together. The children will have the opportunity to learn about turn taking, listening to and following instructions, giving instructions, collaborating and being flexible in their thinking, being able to self-regulate, developing their hand skills and most of all making friends and having fun.

National, international and the Pacific Islands

We see babies, infants and children from throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand and from the Pacific Islands.
We journey alongside families from the Pacific Islands including the Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu and Tonga.

Next steps

Down Syndrome baby and infant “Next Steps” Sessional blocks.

Other group sessions

We also run group sessions for:

  • Autistic girls/boys or combined groups
  • ADHD girls/boys or combined groups

Please contact us for more information about any of these special interest programmes.

School holiday programmes may include:

  • Handwriting boosters
  • Friendship groups
  • Lego therapy
  • Board games club
  • Bike riding
  • Ball skills
  • Intensive therapy blocks

Please contact us to enquire about school holiday programmes.

Bowel and bladder control

Bowel and bladder problems are common in childhood and can make life hard! One in five children are constipated at some point in their lives and paediatric incontinence and bedwetting problems are commonly associated with constipation. Our physiotherapists and occupational therapists can help children of all ages with constipation, daytime wee and poo leaks, bedwetting and toilet training. We take a multi-systems approach for assessment, education, and intervention. We link and align with the infant/child and their family's ability and capacity so that they can achieve the best they can in their daily lives. We work collaboratively alongside GPs and paediatricians for best outcomes, reviewing and accessing protocols and clinical reasoning.

Our team use a variety of tools to support routines, breathing, and pelvic floor function with movement. One of these tools is biofeedback. Our team of Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists have certification in The Poo Detectives management of paediatric bladder and bowel dysfunction course.

The F-Words Life Wheel is an interviewing and coaching approach to facilitate conversations and goal setting for children and their families, caregivers and educators. The F-Words Life Wheel was developed by Lucy Charles and Arul Hamill of Paediatric OT Aotearoa NZ, in collaboration with Kelly Reynolds and CanChild Canada.

In 2011, Rosenbaum and Gorter along with CanChild Canada described the six F-Words for Child Development: Function, Family, Fitness, Fun, Friends, and Future. The F-Words build upon the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework. CanChild hoped to encourage people in the childhood development field to adopt a more inclusive, strengths-based way of thinking and to apply these concepts in their work with children with disabilities and their families. 

Building on the work done by Rosenbaum and Gorter and CanChild’s F-words research group, and utilising coaching tools and techniques, Lucy, Arul and Kelly developed the F-Words Life Wheel. They have found this an invaluable tool for facilitating rich and meaningful conversations and enabling meaningful goal setting, based on what is important to children and families in their given contexts and situations.

Our book entitled 'The F-words Life Wheel' is available here .
The story of 'Our Haerenga (Journey) with the F-words Life Wheel' is available here .

If you are interested in F-words Life Wheel training for youself or your team, please get in touch on our contact page with your expression of interest. Checkout our events signup page for upcoming Fav-words Life Wheel workshops.

We provide the following training and workshops:

  • Knowledge translation workshops
  • Clinical reasoning workshops
  • F-Words Life Wheel workshops
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
  • Occupational Performance Coaching (OPC) training with Lucy Charles and Arul Hamill
  • Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform (PRPP) Stage 1 workshops with Arul Hamill and Wendy Burrows
Go to our events signup page for upcoming events.

Lucy Charles and Arul Hamill are registered OTNZ supervisors. We provide both professional and clinical supervision. Please contact us if you would like to organise supervision sessions.

Please contact us for current information or if you or your service would like us to run a workshop for your team.

In our therapy for children and families who live with disability we work to promote wellbeing and to reduce inequalities. We believe that caring for Earth is the first step in caring for people. Paediatric OT is a participant in the UN Global Compact. Our key United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are:

  • Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all, at all ages
  • Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries

Want to be part of our team? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of children and families? Do you want to work in a progressive team passionate about best practice and ongoing professional development? Are you a New Zealand Registered Occupational Therapist with extensive experience in paediatrics with a passion to keep learning?
We are looking for an occupational therapist with a special interest in paediatrics to work contractually in our private practice of Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists. The successful applicant will be able to build strong responsive relationships with children and their families, work in a multidisciplinary community of care with Paediatricians & SLTs, and be passionate about best practice and ongoing professional development. Applicants can submit their application and CV in confidence. Please include your professional qualifications and experience, and why you would like to work at Paediatric OT & physiotherapy.
Please Contact Us for more information

Paediatric OT & Physio Team

Meet our team of Wonder Women.
Paediatric Occupational Therapy & Physio is directed by Lucy and Arul (with a bit of help of their best friends, Will and James). We simply would not function without Gillian, our wonderful ‘Chief Everything Officer’—administration and marketing. What makes us really special is all of our amazing Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists who absolutely love working with children.

Summer 2022

Arul and Lucy

Arul and Lucy are the Founders and Directors of Paediatric Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy.

Arul Hamill

Occupational Therapist, Specialist in Paediatrics

New Zealand Registration (NZROT 1988)
Australian Registration (OT Australia 2013)
Founding member of the International PRPP instructors Network (2014)
Member of Occupational Therapy New Zealand/Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa


Arul has over 25 years of experience working with babies, infants and children. Arul is passionate about valuing the voice of infants, children and families.

Arul worked in Child Development teams from 1991 to 1999 before running a Private Practice from 2003 and worked with ACC and school learning support units.

Arul has experience working with children with Developmental delay, Syndromes, Cerebral Palsy, Head injuries including Shaken baby syndrome, Prematurity, Learning disability, Neurological conditions, Equipment support, cross cultural support and working in the community including clinic, home and school.

Specific training

Arul has completed post grad training in many areas including the following:

  • Foundation Bobath, Baby Bobath and Advanced Baby Bobath certification
  • Neurobiology and development
  • Infant Massage International Association of Infant Massage
  • Sensory Integration theory and Practice
  • Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform PRPP assessment and Intervention of Information Processing
  • Sensory Processing and Profile
  • SOS (Sequential, Oral Sensory) Approach to feeding
  • If you can’t breathe, you can’t function—Lifespan lab course (Mary Massery PT)
  • Newborn Behavioural Observations (NBO)
  • Occupational Performance Coaching (OPC)
  • Upper Limb Performance Assessment (ULPA)
  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
  • Supervision NZ Coaching and Mentoring

Workshops, teaching and clinical supervision

Arul has taught, educated and supervised in New Zealand and Australia, including the following:

  • Integrating coaching into practice with families
  • Learner profile with Down Syndrome
  • Understanding ADHD, ASD, cerebral palsy, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and anxiety for young people processing information in their community programs—Recreate
  • Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform Workshop, Introduction and stage 1—Co-presenter with Wendy Burrows
  • Occupational Performance Coaching (co-teaching)
  • Clinical Reasoning and Knowledge Translation workshops
  • F-Words Life Wheel Courses

LinkedIn Profile

Lucy Charles

Occupational Therapist, Specialist in Paediatrics

British Diploma of College of Occupational Therapy (DipCOT 1986)
New Zealand Registration (NZROT) 1993
Australian registration (Aphra) 2016
Member of Occupational Therapy New Zealand/Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa
Registered Occupational Performance trainer


Lucy is a co-founder of Paediatric Occupational Therapy. She has over 25 years of experience working in the UK and NZ with Children aged 0 to 18 years in Child Development Services, Mainstream Schools, Specialised Units and Private Practice.

Lucy currently works with children aged 5 to 18 years with delays in their development: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Specific Learning Disorders, Developmental Coordination Disorders (DCD), Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, (FASD) Sensory Processing Difficulties, Prematurity, Cerebral Palsy, Neurological Conditions, Syndromes, Global Developmental Delay and Anxiety Disorders. As well as children with social emotional needs or lags in their development of specific skills needed for school, friendships, fun, and function at home or school.

Lucy is passionate about walking alongside children and their families, hearing their stories and empowering them to reach their hopes and dreams in life. She embeds best practice guidelines and up to date clinical reasoning into her practice as well as coaching models and cognitive behavioural frameworks. She advocates for children’s voices to be heard, to ensure positive mental health, strong family connections, success at school, fun and meaningful participation in everyday life.

Specific training

Lucy had many years of training, including the following courses:

  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
  • Te Ara Whakamana mana enhancement
  • Polyvagal Theory: Befriending your nervous system
  • Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (Attwood and Garnett)
  • Emotional Management for children and teens with Autism
  • Autistic girls and Women
  • If you can’t breathe, you can’t function (Mary Massery)
  • Te Rito o Te Harakeke bicultural course
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference Australia
  • Neuro-developmental Theory (Bobath)
  • Sensory Integration (Theory and Practice)
  • PRPP (Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform) Information processing Assessment and Intervention
  • Professional Life Coaching (International Coaching Federation approved)
  • Occupational Performance Coaching (Trainer programme)
  • Upper Limb Performance Assessment (ULPA)
  • Supervision for Health Professional (UNITEC)


  • Registered Supervisor, Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand (OTBNZ)
  • Registered Supervisor Occupational Therapy New Zealand Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa (OTNZ WNA)
  • Registered Trainer for Occupational Performance Coaching (OPC) Dr Fi Graham
  • Trainer and co-developer of the F-Words Life Wheel with Arul Hamill in collaboration with Can Child Canada.

Workshops and teaching

Lucy and Arul teach the F-Words Life Wheel and Occupational Performance Coaching (OPC) in several countries including Ireland, UK, Canada, USA, New Zealand and Australia. Lucy has taught courses in NZ and internationally. Lucy is a Registered Occupational Performance Coaching Trainer and developed the F-Words Life Wheel with Arul Hamill Paediatric OT and Kelly Reynolds Kids plus Foundation Australia in collaboration with Canchild Canada. Arul and Lucy run the F-Words Life Wheel workshops together as well as a number of other courses.

Conference presentations

  • National Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy conference South African
  • American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
  • Australian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
  • Child and Adolescent mental health Conference Australia
  • Changemakers Conference Geelong
  • Better together Conference Melbourne

Courses taught

  • Integration coaching into practice with families of children with cerebral palsy
  • Understanding ADHD, ASD, cerebral palsy, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and anxiety: See through your clients eyes
  • Play Workshop
  • Clinical Reasoning Workshop, co-presenter with Kelly Reynolds & Dani Atkins
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder, co-presenter with Annabelle Borrie
  • Handwriting: Tips and Tricks for schools
  • F Words Life Wheel for families and parents

LinkedIn Profile

Gillian Irwin

Administration and Marketing

Gillian is the mother of two wonderful boys and holds together the administration and marketing for Paediatric OT & Physio. Gillian has extensive experience in the corporate world in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

Jodi Davidson

Occupational Therapist with a Special Interest in Paediatrics

NZ Registration (NZROT) 2005
Member of Occupational Therapy New Zealand / Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa


Jodi has worked in New Zealand and England, in acute hospitals for adults and children. She has worked with inpatients and outpatients with varied diagnoses, including traumatic brain injury, neurological conditions, orthopaedic conditions, spinal cord injuries, oncology, rheumatology and chronic pain syndromes.

Jodi is the mother of three young boys.

Specific training

Bachelor of Health Science (Occ. Therapy), AUT 2004
Occupational Therapy in Primary and Population Health
Rehabilitation of the Neurological Upper Limb
Basic Splinting
Occupational Performance Coaching -Lego-based Therapy facilitator training

Leanne Hunter

Occupational Therapist with a Special Interest in Paediatrics

New Zealand Registration (NZROT) 2003
Member of Occupational Therapy New Zealand / Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa


Leanne has over 12 years’ experience in New Zealand and the UK, spanning a range of acute and community settings. During her eight years at Child Development, Leanne worked with children at home, kindergarten, school and in clinic. Her experience includes assessing and working with children with Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), Global Developmental Delay, Sensory Processing Difficulties, Neuromuscular Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Leanne is passionate about working closely with families and supporting children to reach their goals.
Leanne has three primary school aged children. In her spare time, she enjoys camping and tramping with her family, playing family games and reading.

Specific training

Relevant specific training includes:
Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform (PRPP) Assessment of Information Processing
Paediatric Foundation Course (Bobath / NDT approach)
Functional Hand Use in Hemiplegia – Evidence Based Treatment - Dr Brian Hoare
Understanding Visual Perceptual Skills in Children (Australia) – Dr Chris Chapparo

Tokuko Makita-Shroff

Occupational Therapist with a Special Interest in Paediatrics

New Zealand Registered Occupational Therapist
Member of Occupational Therapy New Zealand/Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa


On my return to work after having three children, I worked with disabled children at Sommerville School satellite class. Through this experience, I gained a real desire to help children achieve the quality of life they deserve, regardless of their circumstances. With this as a motivating factor, I studied Occupational Therapy. I hold a Bachelor of Health Science (Occupational Therapy) and a Bachelor of Arts.

As well as working with Paediatric OT & PT, I work part-time at Starship Children's Hospital, I'm involved in the Cure Kids funded LEAP programme—Learn, Engage, And Play—research project and I co-manage a private holiday programme for disabled children. I have worked as a Teacher Aide supporting students with special education needs and their families for 4 years, and have three children.


  • Bachelor of Arts (French Language and Literature)
  • Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan, 2003
  • Bachelor of Health Science (Occupational Therapy)
  • Auckland University of Technology (AUT), 2021

Recent specific training

NZ Bobath Association Typical Child Development
NZ Bobath Association Normal Movement (enrolled 08/10/21 & 09/10/21)
F-words framework workshop
Movement ABC-2 training
Paediatric Neuro Splinting workshop
STAR Foundations of Development Course: Sensory Processing, Regulation, and Relationship (enrolled 24/09/21, 25/09/21, 02/10/21, 03/10/21)

Ursula Gee

Occupational Therapist with a Special Interest in Paediatrics

NZ Registration (NZROT) 2004
Member of the Australian Neuromuscular Network


Ursula has over 15 years paediatric experience and is passionate about empowering young people and their families to reach their goals. She has worked in child rehabilitation and management since 2005 within a variety of environments including clinic, home and school. Ursula has experience in the assessment and management of children and young people with conditions including Traumatic and Acquired brain injuries, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Specific Learning Disorders, Developmental Coordination Disorders (DCD), Sensory Processing Difficulties, Cerebral Palsy, Neurological Conditions, Neuromuscular Conditions, and Global Developmental Delay.

Ursula is committed to supporting children and their families to have fun, develop friendships, and gain skills and function at home or school. She works collaboratively with other services and specialists to optimise each child’s well-being and ensure cultural and family needs are met.

In her spare time Ursula enjoys spending time with her husband, two children and extended family. She enjoys sailing, walking, biking and reading.

Specific training

The Poo Detectives, Lulu Becker SA; 2021
Canchild Developmental Coordination Disorder, Online, 2021
PRPP (Perceive, Recall, Plan & Perform) Information Processing Assessment—Occupational Performance Model (Australia)
Knowledge translation - theory into practice - Paediatric OT 
Understanding Autism spectrum disorders - Tony Attwood and Michelle Garnett
Occupational performance coaching 
CPR (updated annually) 
Understanding Normal Movement for Paediatric Therapists 
Upper Limb Orthoses (Splinting) Course – Professor Brian Hoare 
Assisting Hand Assessment Accreditation 
WeeFIM accreditation 
Enable Level 2 Wheelchair and Seating and Postural Management accreditation 
Identification, classification and assessment of dyskinesia in children with cerebral palsy, for Paediatric Therapists

Corinne Watson

Physiotherapist with a Special Interest in Paediatrics

New Zealand Registered Physiotherapist (2018 – Current)
New Zealand Society of Physiotherapy Member
Paediatric Special Interest Group Member
United States of America Registered Physical Therapist
United Kingdom Registered Physiotherapist


Corinne is an American trained physiotherapist who graduated with a Clinical Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Ithaca College in 2008. Over her years of clinical experience, she has worked in the United States of America, United Kingdom and New Zealand. Corinne has dedicated her career to paediatrics since graduating. She has worked supporting children from birth to age 16 across a wide range of settings including inpatient rehabilitation hospital, acute care hospital, child development team, clinics, daycare, schools and home based care.

Corinne has experience in assessment and management of children with varied diagnoses including but not limited to neurological conditions, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, orthopedic conditions including toe-walking and other gait disorders, and developmental conditions.

Corinne is passionate about supporting children and their families to achieve their goals while having fun. Corinne utilises current international evidence to guide clinical practice. Corinne is dedicated to working collaboratively with families and other services.

Specific training

Corinne has completed post graduate training in many areas including but not limited to:

  • The eHealth Pediatric Summit 2020
  • F Words Wheel Training 2020
  • Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination Training 2019
  • Occupational Performance Coaching 2019
  • Quality FM 2017
  • Instructor of CPIP Training for Physiotherapists and Physiotherapy Assistants 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020
  • Cerebral Palsy Integrated Pathway (CPIP) Train the Trainer 2016
  • Motivational Interviewing 2016
  • Coaching Conversations 2016
  • DM Orthotics; Lycra garments for the Paediatric Client 2016
  • Prechtl General Movement Assessment 2014
  • Aquatic Therapy for the Pediatric Client 2014
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation 2014
  • Early Intervention (birth to age 3) Comprehensive Training 2013
  • Assistant Instructor Advanced Pediatric Gait Analysis and Orthotic Management by Elaine Owens education course 2012
  • Interdisciplinary Brain Injury Rehabilitation 2011
  • McKenzie Part A: Lumbar Spine 2011
  • Pediatric and Adult Therapeutic Taping for Improved Alignment and Neuromuscular Re-Education 2011
  • Serial Casting for the lower extremity 2010
  • All About Babies - Evaluation and Treatment of Children; Birth to Six Months, Six to Twelve Months, Twelve to Eighteen Months 2010
  • Pediatric Gait Analysis and Orthotic Management by Elaine Owens 2009
  • Seating and Mobility Evaluation and Intervention 2009

Christiana Barker

Physiotherapist with a Special Interest in Paediatrics

New Zealand Registered Physiotherapist (2006 – current)
Member of Physiotherapy NZ
New Zealand Bobath Association Member


Christiana graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) from Auckland University of Technology in 2005. She has over 12 years’ experience working with children, primarily in the areas of paediatric neurology and orthopaedics. Christiana also works part time at Starship Children’s Hospital as a Physiotherapist within Paediatric Orthopaedics and at the Auckland University of Technology for the Starship Clinical Gait Analysis Service.

Christiana has experience in the assessment and management of children with developmental conditions including cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, developmental delay, toe-walking and other gait disorders. She also has expertise in serial casting for the management of paediatric equinus deformities in conditions such as cerebral palsy and idiopathic toe-walking.

Specific training

  • Integrating Cardiopulmonary and Postural Control Strategies in Pediatric and Adult Populations, Mary Massery; 2019
  • Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine Conference – Committee Member; 2018
  • Rehabilitating Running in children & adults with neurological conditions; 2017
  • Normal Movement course, NZ Bobath Association; 2017
  • Developmental Orthopaedics of the Trunk & Lower Extremity, Beverly Cusick; 2016
  • Paediatric Equinus Deformity Management, Beverly Cusick; 2016
  • Melbourne Clinical Gait Analysis course, Royal Children’s Hospital; 2015
  • Toe Walking Management course, Lisa Persaud; 2015
  • Bobath Paediatric Foundation Course; 2011/2012

Lynette Hing

Physiotherapist with a Special Interest in Paediatrics

New Zealand Registered Physiotherapist (1999 – current)
Member of Physiotherapy NZ


Lynette graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPhty) from the Otago of University. Since graduating, she has developed a special interest in paediatric physiotherapy. Lynette has gained a wealth of experience over the last 20 years from employment in a variety of sectors and organisations including education, private practice, Starship Children's Hospital, and ACC.

Lynette loves working with children and their families to achieve functional, meaningful goals in order to improve their quality of life and independence.

Recent specific training

  • sEMG biofeedback in neurorehabilitation - Pia Stampe
  • If you can’t breathe, you can’t function - Mary Massery
  • Knowledge translation - theory into practice - Paediatric OT
  • Understanding Autism spectrum disorders - Tony Attwood and Michelle Garnett
  • First Aid in the school environment
  • 24 hour postural management
  • Occupational performance coaching - Fi Graham
  • CPR (updated annually)

Merryn Robertson

Physiotherapist with a Special Interest in Paediatrics

18 years experience
New Zealand Registered Physiotherapist (2008 – current)
Member of Physiotherapy New Zealand (PNZ)
Member of Paediatric Special Interest Group, PNZ and secretary (2016 – present)
Member of New Zealand Bobath Association
Founding member of the Wired Collective


Merryn graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy in 2004 as well as a Masters in Physiotherapy in 2009 from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa. Merryn is a certified Bobath Trained Therapist (2006) and has recently started her Bobath Tutorship Training with the New Zealand Bobath Association. She has over 16 years’ experience working with children, primarily in the areas of paediatric neurology and respiratory. Merryn has worked in a variety of settings within the health and education sectors in South Africa and New Zeeland including the clinic, homes, preschools and schools. She also enjoys volunteer and outreach work, and visited Tonga in 2019 to support children with disabilities in their community.

Merryn has experience in assessment and management of children with developmental conditions including cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay, toe walking and other gait disorders as well as respiratory illness in children. Merryn also have experience in children’s bladder and bowel dysfunction.

Merryn is passionate about every child reaching their potential whilst having fun, and enjoys working closely with the child’s whanau to achieve their goals and optimizing their child’s well-being. Merryn is driven to keep learning every day to ensure she stays up to date with international evidence informed practices and uses regular peer reviews and supervision to ensure best practices. Merryn is currently on a national Down’s syndrome working group to review NZ national guidance documents as well as developing evidence informed allied health interventions for school aged children with Down syndrome.

Training & Continued Education

Billi Cusick - Pediatric Equinus Deformity Conservative Management course (2024)
TASES Trunk and Pelvis this weekend by Mirav Newman May 2024
Every Motor Event Is A Sensory Event First: Anxiety, Self-Regulation and Postural Control, Shelley Mannell; 2024
Physical Therapy in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Shelley Mannell; 2024
The Pelvic floor, the Diaphragm, the core and their role in postural development in children, Dawn Sandalcidi; 2023
TASES Task Specific Electrical Stimulation Mirav Newman and Judy Carmick; 2023
Treatment of the Paediatric Pelvic Floor: Birth to Eighteen Carina Ciracusa; 2023
Toe Walking: In Depth Clinical Applications Using an Etiological Approach, Liesa Persaud Ritchie, 2023
OSKAR - Optimal segmental and kinetic alignment to rehabilitation Elaine Owen, introduction and advances courses; 2022
Typical Child Development, NZ Bobath Association; 2021
The Poo Detectives, Lulu Becker SA; 2021
Normal Movement course, NZ Bobath Association; 2020
The W-sitting controversy: evidence and science - Billi Cusick; 2020
Classification of movement disorders of Cerebral Palsy - NZBA; 2020
Early postural control acquisition - Billi Cusick; 2020
Expanding postural control into movement - Billi Cusick; 2020
sEMG biofeedback in neurorehabilitation - Pia Stampe; 2020
Maximizing neuroplasticity and minimize maladaptive habits in children and teenagers with Cerebral Palsy, 2020
CALD 2: Working with Migrant Families; 2020
Integrating Cardiopulmonary and Postural Control Strategies in Pediatric and Adult Populations, Mary Massery; 2019
Engaging Learner’s with complex needs Prof Barry Carpenter; 2019
Pelvic floor paediatrics with Julie Wiebe and Shelley Mannell; 2019
Pia Stampe: Maximizing Neuroplasticity in children with Cerebral Palsy Key to CP Framework; 2019
Bringing the F-words to life workshop Paediatric OT; 2018
How do we best deliver therapy? Trends in service delivery models and strategies for knowledge translation with Dr Chantal Camden: Auckland; 2018
Toe Walking Management course, Lisa Persaud; 2017
Theratog fitters Course; 2017
Engage Me - Experience Sharing with students with ASD, 2017
Assessment and Treatment of Children with Idiopathic Toe Walking; 2016
Developmental Orthopaedics of the Trunk & Lower Extremity, Beverly Cusick; 2016
Paediatric Equinus Deformity Management, Beverly Cusick; 2016
Equipment - Wheelchair and seating assessor & 24 hour postural management Assessor Accessable (updated annually)
CALD 8: Working with families with disabilities; 2014
Paediatric Upper limb splinting workshop with A. Recordon and A. Coyle; 2011
Analysis and problem solving with children with Cerebral Palsy, NZBA Auckland; 2010
Working with Pacific Island families; 2010
CALD 3: Working with refugee and migrant families, 2010
CALD 2: Working with migrants (Asians); 2009
Advanced Facilitation 1 Bobath Course, Jean-Pierre Maes; 2009
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) 1: Culture and cultural competency; 2009
Bobath Paediatric Foundation Course South Africa (8 weeks); 2006
CPR (updated annually)

Sally Parton

Physiotherapist with a Special Interest in Paediatrics

New Zealand Registered Physiotherapist (2001 – Current)
Australian Registered Physiotherapist (1994 – 2002)
New Zealand Society of Physiotherapy Member
Paediatric Special Interest Group Member
VNT Association Member


Sally is an Australian trained physiotherapist who graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the University of Queensland in 1994 and brings to her role over 20 years of experience. She has worked in Australia, United Kingdom and New Zealand. More than 15 years of Sally’s career has been dedicated to working within the area of paediatrics and primarily within Child Development Teams. She is passionate about working with all children and their families. She has a special interest in the birth – 2.5 years age group and for approximately 10 years has focused her practise on this age group, understanding the importance of early intervention for babies who may be delayed in their development or who may have already been diagnosed with a specific condition. Sally has also worked with pre-schoolers and school aged children with a variety of childhood conditions and/or disabilities.

Her experience includes assessment and treatment of babies and children with developmental delays, intellectual and physical disabilities, syndromes, cerebral palsy, prematurity, neurological conditions, and musculoskeletal problems such as torticollis. She has worked in many settings including clinics, homes, and community settings such as day cares, play groups and schools. She values collaborative working with other services and individuals to incorporate other specialities, cultural and family support.

Specific training

Sally has completed post graduate training in many areas including but not limited to:

Liesa Ritchie-Persaud Toe - Comprehensive Toe Walking Series July 2021
Mary Massery Linked: Breathing and Postural Control Part 1 Sept 2001
F-Words Life Wheel Workshop May 2021
The Poo Detectives, Lulu Becker SA; 2021
2002 NZBA Inc. Eight Week Paediatric Basic Bobath Course
Elaine Owen Paediatric Orthotic and Footwear Management Course
Seating to Go: Wheeled Mobility & Postural Management Level 1 and Lying Level 1
Brian Hoare Functional Hand Use in Hemiplegia
QPRS Conference Spina Bifida and Spina Bifida e-leaning Course (Clinical Skills Development Service QLD)
Prechtl's Method of the Qualitative Assessment of General Movements Course Basic
HINE Training
Supervisor Training
Newborn Behavioural Observations (NBO)

Paediatric OT & PT workshops & courses

We are now taking expressions of interest for an F-words Life Wheel Course in February 2025.
This is an interactive on-line course with livestream presentations and videos of the F-Words Life Wheel and break-out groups to practice coaching conversations, knowledge translation and use of the Wheel. Presentation notes plus a copy of the “F-Words Life Wheel Guidelines” are also provided. If you are interested in this course, download the brochure here and send us an email or be in touch via our contact page.

If you are interested in F-words Life Wheel training for youself or your team, please get in touch on our contact page with your expression of interest.

Checkout our events on our events signup page at Humanitix.

F-words Life Wheel Research Presentation

Arul, Lucy and other researchers present F-words Life Wheel research to the Starship Paediatric Update session, July 2022.

F-words Life Wheel Talk

Arul and Lucy explain the F-words Life Wheel

The Good Life Goals

“The Good Life Goals are a set of personal actions that people around the world can take to help support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are behavioural/lifestyle asks for individuals that are carefully aligned with the SDG’s 169 targets and indicators.”— Futerra

How Children and Adults Can Build Core Capabilities for Life

“Every day we take on the ordinary, sometimes challenging, tasks of work, school, parenting, relationships, and just managing our busy lives. How do we navigate these tasks successfully? And what can send us off course?”— Center on the Developing Child

Occupational Performance Coaching (OPC) Workshops

Occupational Performance Coaching is proposed as an intervention which is family- and occupation-centred, focused and research informed and was developed by Professor Fiona Graham, Otago University. OPC involves working alongside parents to achieve parents’ goals for themselves, their children and/or their families. In OPC therapists utilise performance analysis, problem-solving, occupational and disability knowledge to guide parents’ exploration of changes that facilitate goal achievement.

Please contact us if you would like to register for an OPC training course or if you would like one specifically for your team.

Contact us

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Clare Stanley, Developmental Paediatrician


Moira Nelson, Speech Language Therapist

Moira Nelson

Annabelle Borrie, Physiotherapist

Annabelle Borrie

Wendy Hindmarsh-Hook, Occupational Therapist

Wendy Hindmarsh-Hook

Caroline Hui, Occupational Therapist

Choose to learn

Claire Bennet, Speech Language Therapist


Totally Psyched

Totally Psyched

Shamus Fairhall, Orthotist, Mosi Labs | SSD Limited

Dr Katie Tuck

Katie Tuck

The Kids Plus Foundation

Kids Plus

The Hearing House

The hearing house

Carolyn Simmons, Occupational Therapist

Lea Mai

Lisa Da Rocha, Clinical and Paediatric Neuropsychologist

Optimise psychology

Fiona Kentworthy

Small talk

Fi Graham, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Performance Coaching (OPC)

University of Otago

Anne Tait, Paediatrician, Auckland Paediatrics

Auckland Medical Specialists


Dyslexia 4D

Bobath Association

Bobath Association

ADHD Association

Align Med

Autism Connections New Zealand

Autism Queensland

Brainwave, early years last forever

Brazelton Touchpoints Center

Chameleon Courses


Cerebral Palsy Society

New Zealand Coaching and Mentoring Centre

DM Orthotics

Dyslexia support group

EI SMART. Consistently effective early intervention



Infant mental health association of Aorteoroa New Zealand

International Association of Infant Massage, New Zealand
International Association of Infant Massage


Occupational Performance Model (Australia)
Occupational Performance Model Australia

Open Pediatrics


Parenting Place

Sensory Corner

Sensory Sam

Sydney Children's Hospital
Tips for parents

Sparklers: education tools for wellbeing
Education tools for wellbeing


Star Institute for sensory processing disorder

Sydney Children's Hospital

Sensory Project, ASI WISE, Ayres’ Sensory Integration WISE [Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England]


Understood, for learning and attention issues

The Urban Child Institute

The Victorian Continence Resource Centre

Wilson Centre

Zero to three. Early connections last a lifetime

Aotearoa NZ Therapy Boards

OT Board, NZ

Physiotherapy Board, NZ

OT Association, NZ

OT Association, NZ